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♠ Creeks
red-coloured liquid

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♠ Vampire
郑光胤ZhengGuangYin Jay, love girls, hates nothing,
23/04/1991. [:

♠ Thirst for
your blood
wish for good grades.
Samsung Netbook
meaning in life

♠ Splash
when my fangs sinks
▪ 3G_class< ▪ Nathanile
▪ XueNing
▪ Nicole
▪ JiaRui
▪ melissa
▪ Pamela
▪ sokyee
▪ Evageline
▪ meiling
▪ Bryan
▪ shuqing
▪ Alden
▪ Jasmine
▪ stozer
▪ JingTing
▪ Rachel
▪ lynn
▪ sherwin
▪ ameera
▪ shuping
▪ clarence
▪ minyu
▪ randy
▪ junwei
▪ yawen
▪ doreen
▪ Maya
▪ ZiTong
▪ YaHui

♠ Sounds
who is there?

♠ Forgotten
when i'm stilla human
▪ March 2007
▪ April 2007
▪ May 2007
▪ June 2007
▪ July 2007
▪ August 2007
▪ September 2007
▪ October 2007
▪ November 2007
▪ December 2007
▪ January 2008
▪ February 2008
▪ March 2008
▪ April 2008
▪ May 2008
▪ June 2008
▪ July 2008
▪ August 2008
▪ September 2008
▪ October 2008
▪ November 2008
▪ December 2008
▪ January 2009
▪ February 2009
▪ March 2009
▪ April 2009
▪ May 2009
▪ June 2009
▪ July 2009
▪ August 2009
▪ September 2009
▪ October 2009
▪ November 2009
▪ December 2009
▪ January 2010
▪ February 2010
▪ March 2010
▪ April 2010
▪ June 2010
▪ August 2010
▪ September 2010

♠ Beasts
other vampires
▪ Link

♠ Credits
thank you
x x x
♠ Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu
Hey There Delilah W/ Lyrics

Thirst for blood
12:29 PM

♠ Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

i like this

This is really nice.

Thirst for blood
12:56 PM

♠ Saturday, June 12, 2010
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

One Million Star

she's great
love her voice :)

Thirst for blood
2:47 PM

♠ Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

一个人是孤单单但是也是快乐的在没遇到另一个人时 一个人可以随心情的起伏而抱怨天气的变化一个人可以自由的去击破蓝天而不用担心自己的羽翼 一个人可以开心的看着别人的眼泪而不用担心自己的泪水一个人可以呼呼的睡觉而不用考虑浪费的时间 一个人可以不用考虑人情味的存在而禁锢自己的思想 一个人可以把天分成两半而不用考虑天会塌下来两个人是幸福的,在一个人和另一个人的心重叠时两个人可以互相搀扶数着天上的星星而不用考虑事情的烦琐 两个人可以共同创造快乐而不用担心忧伤的侵袭 两个人可以一起观赏风景而不用担心风景的语言空白 两个人可以彼此倾述而不用担心自言自语的孤单两个人可以品尝爱的滋味而不用担心自己会演化成冰冷的石头所以随遇而安吧下雨的时候一个人听雨吧 就当是种浪漫

Thirst for blood
10:12 PM

♠ Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

HD paint

Thirst for blood
6:25 PM

♠ Monday, March 15, 2010
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

白色情人节(英语:White Day;日语:ホワイトデー;),订于3月14日,为纯粹的商业营销手段产物。 
  又叫返情人节,指的是在情人节收到礼物,则在一个月后的 3月14日 回馈礼物,当然仅仅是回馈你想回的那个人 呵呵。

Thirst for blood
1:34 PM

♠ Monday, March 8, 2010
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

There was a journey in being an entrepreneur. It was about going through failure and bouncing back. Are you going to bounce back and take the chance to go to bat again, or let this failure stop you? If you look at all of the ultimate success stories, both personally and professionally, they all had to bounce back at one time or another.

What can you learn from failure that you can’t from success?
A: Nobody wants to be a failure. At the same time, there’s no better education for an entrepreneur than failure. You can go to Harvard or Stanford, but that’s not where you get your education. That’s where you build relationships, but it’s not what teaches you to have whatever it takes to get through whatever you need to go through to build a startup.

Can you have success without failure?
A: No, I don’t think so. I just don’t know anyone, even if their first startup company was successful, that didn’t bang their head plenty of times. Many went through failures in order to find success. Even the Microsofts and the Apples all had intermittent failures along the way.

You can have success day in and out, but I’ve found that to sustain the energy and enthusiasm that’s going to get you farther, you have to deal with more no’s then yes’s. You need both, there’s no question. But plenty of people [experiencing] startup failures understand that failure is a part of the process — they just hope they can skip it. It’s not like you go out and say, “I’ll have two failures and then have success.”

Does it ever become easier to fail?
A: What does become easier is to bounce back. That’s really the most important thing — to get back up at the plate and to start to understand over time it’s just part of the process. And that you have to stay in the game, you don’t have more time. You’ve got right now. The next second is a crap shoot.

Thirst for blood
10:22 PM

♠ Thursday, February 11, 2010
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

































  温馨的暖意充满了整个屋子........ ......





Thirst for blood
7:10 PM

♠ Saturday, January 30, 2010
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

[Why some people almost always are successful]

Like everyone else I´ve spent some time thinking about why some people are so successful in life. And what factors in success that are under more personal control than others.

Successful people might be intelligent. Or have had a socially well connected upbringings. Or be naturally energetic and open and positive.

But a lot of the factors that make some people more successful at almost anything in life are very much under their control. And much can be improved in anyone’s life by learning from the people that have gone before us.

They make decisions and take action
Right or wrong action, they take it. Either way it’s always better than making no decisions and taking no action at all. As Franklin Roosevelt said:

“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”

They do things even when they don´t feel like it
I think this is a pretty huge factor. A lot of us back down when we don´t want to do something, even though it may eventually bring us to a wonderful experience or goal. Successful people may not always like doing some of the things they have to do. But they do them anyway. And in the longer run that makes all the difference.

They do the most productive thing right now
Instead of trapping themselves in doing productive but not so important tasks or projects they realise what’s most important and do that. And after they´re done with that they do what´s most important again. Instead of just doing a lot of things, they think and plan before they act and try to focus as much as possible of their thoughts and actions on those few very important things.

They do one thing at a time
Many of them don´t seem to multi-task. Some reasons for avoiding that may be that it creates internal confusion, wastes time and spreads the multi-tasker too thinly. Instead, they do one thing and focus on that until it is done. Then they do the next thing until it is done. Focusing 100% on one task at a time will get it done quicker and better.

They have a positive attitude
A negative attitude can be very damaging and limiting to one´s life. A positive one can open new doors every day. It can open your mind to new ideas and input and create or sustain great relationships. It helps you through the hard times as a successful person often sees an opportunity within what others would merely see as a problem.

Have a look at Take The Postivity Challenge for more thoughts and practical tips for creating a more positive attitude.

They have redefined failure
While a lot of people see failure as a way to rationalizing the feeling of wanting to giving up or as a sign that it´s actually time to do something else successful people tend to see it more as useful feedback. They may not like to fail, but they don´t fear it – or at least they have little fear of it – and they know that if they fail they´ve been there before and they can start over again and succeed. This is of course a very useful belief and keeps successful people going while the rest have already given up.

They don´t let fear hold them back
They overcome fear and slay that dragon whenever they face it. Or they may have defined or redefined reality so that fear is substantially decreased or even gone in some areas of their life.

Doing this enables you to take action on your thoughts. This pulls down the barriers in the mind and create new roads and opens up to whole new possibilities. Have a look at 5 Life-Changing Keys to Overcoming Your Fear for more on both slaying your dragons and redefining your reality to contain less fear.

They have found a purpose in life
They are internally driven rather than externally driven. They do what they have a burning desire to do rather than conforming to what others think they should do. Even if what the others think may be positive and successful stuff.

The Michael Jordans, the Edisons and the Stephen Kings have figured out what they want to do in life and are doing it (or did it).

The purpose, I think, is largely why they can keep on going and be motivated while others may tire or just go and do something else that they find more purposeful. The successes love their purpose and when they aligned with it then it seems to push them forward with enthusiasm and energy through life.

They don´t get distracted
When others get too caught up in everyday life to do what they really want to do the successes don´t. They can really focus on actually doing what´s important and what needs to be done. Again, this seems to go back to having a purpose and more clear sense of direction in life.

They value their time highly and plan it out well
A lot of people don´t value their time that much. Successful people have a purpose in life and therefore they do. They have so much they want and an inner urge to do it and therefore need to plan well to use their days effectively.

Thirst for blood
12:51 PM

♠ Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Kaname Kuran; Yuuki Kuran; Zero Kiryuu

picture i made? what else can i tell you?? Pictures, Images and Photos

hope it gives you hell. Pictures, Images and Photos

Lyrics | All American Rejects lyrics - Gives You Hell lyrics

Thirst for blood
9:29 PM